How to avoid the dreaded bug next season.
How to avoid the dreaded bug next season.
Quite obviously, contracting the flu is not ideal. Sure, you get to lie in bed watching Netflix for hours but you also feel rubbish for days on end, all you manage to eat is soup, which means no UberEATS, and you look fairly average too.
Not to mention, the flu is quite easy to pass on so you won’t be popular at work if you go around sneezing on everybody.
The best solution we’ve found to combat all of the above is getting in early and treating yourself to a flu shot and, as of right now, you can do exactly that at selected Chempro Chemists. It’s all about prevention, so it certainly pays to get in early this month. Get a flu shot before the flu gets you.
It’s the quick, easy and affordable way to keep the flu at bay (a poem, how good) and you don’t need a script so there’s really no reason not to.
Of course, there are a myriad of ways to beat the big guy should you feel any symptoms coming on and, in the interest of your health, and the health of Gold Coasters everywhere, here’s a little list of them.
Eye drops
There are more varieties of eye drops than you can poke a stick at. Got sore eyes? Covered. Dry eyes? No worries. Red eyes? There’s an eye drop for that. Clear that sick, tired look from your eyeballs quick smart with any or all of the above, it’ll perk you right up.
Nasal spray
Can personally vouch for the effectiveness of this one.Just a few quick squirts up the nose and you’re good to go. Strange sensation sure but you know what else is a strange sensation? Not being able to breathe through your nose.Sosquirting it is.
Hot drinks
No, not coffee sadly. Hot drinks of the honey, ginger and lemon variety guaranteed to soothe a sore throat and eliminate that sandpaper feeling the flu seems to conjure up in your mouth. They’ll also just generally make you feel warm and comforted, which is helpful.
The bane of a kid’s life but also one very effective thing to soothe said scratchy sore throat. There are lots of fun flavours these days including lime and lemon, orange and strawberry so your inner child need not be concerned.
So there you have it, a few simple little ways to both avoid the flu nobody wants and to also soothe it should you need to do so.
All of the things above are available now at Chempro Chemists and the team there are more than willing to help out with any questions you might have.
We highly recommend the flu shot though, one little jab and you’re good to go for the season.
Go forth and get healthy.
Words by Kirra Smith.